Words of Affirmation: How to Speak Your Client’s Love Language

Daniel Rivas
5 min readDec 4, 2019
Words of Affirmation: Learn and use your Client’s Love Language.

Everybody has a form of communication that will be most effective in connecting with them on a meaningful level.

One author, Gary Chapman, broke them down into five love languages.

They are words of affirmation, acts of service, receiving gifts, quality time, and physical touch.

It doesn’t only apply to personal relationships in life. They can help you reach and connect with consumers. We’re going to talk about how the first of these languages can help you provide better customer service.

If you want to turn one sale into a customer for life then you need words of affirmation. Ones that are universal enough to make a connection with everyone but personalized enough to make each one feel like they are special.

Keep reading to learn more about how to use words of affirmation to reach new levels of success and provide a customer experience that exceeds everyone’s expectations.

Where Everybody Knows Your Name

No consumer wants to feel like they are simply an account number or a bill of sale. They want to believe that the companies they frequent appreciate them and their money.

You should know what your customer wants and your digital marketing, social media, and customer experience should deliver it better and more efficiently than anyone else if you want that customer to come back.

Knowing your customer’s name, whether you’re conducting business online, in person, or on the phone, is critical for them to feel like a valued customer.

Make sure it goes both ways and that they have a name to relate to as well. Even if you’re using AI technology to perform customer service, you want them to feel like they are talking to a real person, with a name.

Consumers are much more likely to bounce from your website or leave your store if they don’t feel like people at the business want to help them.

Remember Them and Their Preferences

People are creatures of habit and they want the businesses they deal with to remember their habits so they don’t have to keep repeating themselves.

No one wants to have to fill out their name, address, payment info, and account info every time they want to buy something from your website, especially if they are a regular customer.

Many websites will now remind customers of their last order and ask if they want to repeat it with the convenience of one click. Make it easier for them to get what they want from you without even thinking about going somewhere else.

Offering suggestions that are similar to their last order, or would complement it are also smart ways to make a connection with the consumer and make them feel like you really know them and what they like.

Make Them Feel Secure

Every consumer wants to have confidence that their information is secure when they do business. Offering words of affirmation that give them that sense of security and safety with you is vital.

It can take a long time to build trust with a consumer and only one moment to lose it forever.

They want transparency and honesty from business owners and the people who represent them. Even if someone makes a mistake, consumers are more likely to return and forgive the business of the error if they immediately take responsibility and are honest about the situation.

They want to know that you know what you’re talking about. Don’t tell them you do if you don’t. They’ll appreciate your honesty if you say “I don’t know, but I’ll find out” instead of telling them something that isn’t true.

Show Appreciation with Words of Affirmation

If you don’t appreciate your customers, they’ll go where someone will. You need to let your customers know that you are grateful for their business.

There are several simple ways that you can do this. It doesn’t have to take a ton of resources to express customer appreciation but it can have major returns in customer loyalty and word of mouth marketing.

A happy customer is a free advertisement and one of the biggest marketing tools you have. Consumers trust recommendations, even from strangers, over any other form of marketing you’ll put money into. Showing appreciation to the customers you have can convert to more sales than the rest of your marketing strategies put together.

Customer Loyalty Reward Programs

Having sign-up promotions for new customers is great, but that often leaves the clients you’ve had for years wondering why the new guy gets the deal.

You don’t want to just gain a customer for a short promotional sale, you want to win them over the long term and the best way to do that is to reward them for staying.

This is also a great way to get them to read more of your marketing material because they want to know what you are offering or whether the email or flyer is related to their loyalty rewards.

People love working up to a reward. It gives them a reason to keep coming back because they want to reach their goal rather than shop around someplace they’ll get nothing extra in return for their business.

Celebrations of Life

Holiday cards and acknowledgment of other significant celebrations can let clients know they are important to you and you care about what is going on in their lives.

Birthday coupons, New Year’s gifts, or milestone certificates can all be simple ways to show appreciation and keep a connection with clients between business interactions.

Words of Affirmation

Take every chance you can get to thank your clients for choosing to do business with you.

Whether it’s when they visit your website and you thank them for being there. Or when they finish buying something and the final words on the receipt are “thank you come again”. Make sure they know you are grateful they chose you.

Customer Experience Says It All

Words of affirmation should be the entire motive behind every aspect of your customer service. Once you learn how to show customers appreciation and make them feel valued, they’ll be singing your praises too.

For help reaching new levels of success be sure to connect with our expert digital media team today.



Daniel Rivas

Certified Digital Marketing Professional, CEO + Founder of Digital Media Ninja a Digital Marketing Agency based out of Dallas, TX.